About Us

JJM Realty Partners

About JJMRP - Commercial Real Estate

We are an innovative commercial real estate investment, development and management firm that partners with sophisticated international and U.S. capital investors.

Our company relies on more than 30 years of experience devising creative investment and development strategies that build global partnerships, identify and transform high-yield properties, and create exceptional value for our partners.

As an investor, developer and operator, we specialize in shepherding assets through the complete investment life-cycle, while also embracing collaborative financing and management models. We identify and partner with investors, sellers, and brokers to build, acquire, or transform commercial properties located in the United States. Our firm has experience with various types of properties, including:

  • Retail Centers
  • Multi-Family Communities
  • For-Sale Housing Developments
  • Office Space
  • Hotels
  • Storage Facilities

Why We Excel?

Our proven success and reputation for innovation are built on these key strengths.

Global Experience
The savvy investor knows that understanding our place in the world economy is a critical success factor. JJM Realty Partners has the experience necessary to assess and anticipate the unique and often shifting needs of global investment partners in order to align them with the right U.S.-based opportunities needed to meet their investment objectives.

Entrepreneurial Vision
JJM Realty Partners has the vital skills necessary to look beyond the present value of an asset, see its future, and understand the keys to unlocking its full potential. We’ve been successful at this because our size and position allow us to be agile in responding to market factors and flexible in finding solutions, while also having the ability to invest alongside our partners. That’s right. We’re in this together.

Institutional Discipline
By its nature, commercial real estate is a fluid business environment with hidden costs and considerable inefficiencies that can drain resources. Not when you work with JJM Realty Partners. We have 30 years of experience navigating these waters and the necessary skills to execute complex deals with the speed, rigor, and efficiency required to reduce risk, engender trust, and ensure maximum returns. What’s more, to ensure our investments stay on track, we provide all deal partners accurate and reliable reporting that continually measures performance against pre-defined business plans.

Local Market Reach
Military leaders will tell you that if you’re going to command a territory, there’s nothing more effective than boots on the ground. The same goes for commercial real estate. This is why we’ve developed, and continually foster, strong relationships with local market partners and regional business contacts that enable us to locate investment opportunities unique to their markets. These local market partners are critical to working successfully with local sellers to structure acquisition deals that address the needs of all concerned, while also overcoming the challenges specific to their markets.